Background: Norwegian troll cream (trollkrem) Norwegian troll cream is usually made on New Year’s Eve. Served up in fancy glasses...
Background: Norwegian Christmas cookies (serinakaker) This Scandinavian recipe is very popular in Norway at Christmas time. And don’t be surprised...
Background: Caramel almond cake (toscakaka) While this caramel almond cake is well-known for being a Swedish delight, it’s also popular...
Background: Danish pancake balls (aebleskiver) Aebleskiver (Danish pancake balls) are a particularly popular snack or dessert in Denmark at Christmas....
Background: Scandinavian rice porridge It’s called risengrød in Denmark and risgrynsgröt in Sweden. It’s traditionally eaten on either Little Christmas...
Background: Swedish gingersnap cookies The word ‘pepparkakor’ translates to ‘pepper cookies’. Otherwise known as Swedish gingersnap cookies. Although the modern-day...